Dirtbusters Eco Degreaser

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Dirtbusters Eco Degreaser

We all have to degrease surfaces at some stage. Whatever you cook is likely to splash and grease and oil from your food will attach to the walls, ceilings, kitchen furniture, cooking equipment, wall tiles, extractor fans & others. While most standard degreasers can remove grease and fat, not all of them can do it without the use of harsh or toxic chemicals. This is why the new Dirtbusters Eco Degreaser has become such a popular product so fast. This product is in big demand with the catering industry, the kitchen cleaning industry and generally the whole cleaning industry. It provides unequalled results without burning or damaging surfaces. So what makes this amazing kitchen degreaser so good?

  1. The new Dirtbusters Eco Degreaser is highly concentrated and low foam
  2. The new Dirtbusters Eco Degreaser contains no caustic soda or any toxic agents
  3. The new Dirtbusters Eco Degreaser is suitable for commercial & residential use
  4. The new Dirtbusters Eco Degreaser is unperfumed and it melts fat & grease on impact
  5. The new Dirtbusters Eco Degreaser is compatible with all stainless steel surfaces
  6. The new Dirtbusters Eco Degreaser is biodegradable and 100% eco-friendly
  7. The new Dirtbusters Eco Degreaser is vegan friendly and also pet friendly
  8. The new Dirtbusters Eco Degreaser emulsifies grease, fat, oils, grime, etc

Dirtbusters Eco Degreaser | How To Use It

A dilution of 1 to 10 is highly recommended. Diluting the product in warm water will double its cleaning power. It can be used with a spray and wipe system, a mopping system or in conjunction with a scrubber drier.

  1. Pre-spray or pre-soak the surface to emulsify the grease | fat
  2. Scrub the whole surface with a soft green catering scourer
  3. Go over one more time with a spray & wipe system + 1 microfiber cloth

You can use the new Dirtbusters Eco Degreaser to clean and degrease residential and commercial worktops, stainless steel fittings, extractor fans, fridges, medium dirty cookers, back splashes, all kinds of kitchen floors, wood surfaces, pipes, PVC, glass, etc. Some badly affected areas might require a second go before the surface is grease | fat free.

5L of the new Dirtbusters Eco Degreaser should make 66 x 750 mm spray bottles of the product. One of the most cost effective and most highly recommended kitchen degreasers.

Dirtbusters Eco Degreaser | Recommendations

Even if the new Dirtbusters Eco Degreaser contains no harsh chemicals and is not toxic at all, it should still be treated as a kitchen degreaser. Do not spray it directly on food or on live cables. Do not use it to clean highly polished floors or “non washable” wall paint. Do not mix the product with any other cleaning products from Dirtbusters or any other brand. Store it away from direct sunlight. Keep the product in a cool and dry place away from the children.

Dirtbusters Eco Degreaser