P-Wave WCBasix Urinal Screen

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P-Wave WCBasix Urinal Screen

When you walk in a public bathroom and you are hit by a terrible urine odour it is not a good feeling. You just know straight away that the place is not taking care of the bathroom as it should so you might even be worried about what other corners they might be cutting. You want to walk in a public bathroom and feel a strong perfume fragrance straight away. That is the ideal but some places are really budget limited and they just can`t afford to splash on top quality urinal screens and professional deodorizers. This is the main reason why P-Wave has created P-Wave WCBasix Urinal Screen. A budget urinal screen that is a market leader within the budget urinal screens. The product provides about 50% of the fragrance provided by the top quality urinal screens manufactured by P-Wave and it lasts for over 30 days!

  • The new P-Wave WCBasix Urinal Screen is highly affordable and cost effective
  • The new P-Wave WCBasix Urinal Screen will deodorize for over 30 days
  • The new P-Wave WCBasix Urinal Screen is manufactured from recyclable materials
  • The new P-Wave WCBasix Urinal Screen is available in two distinct fragrances
  • The new P-Wave WCBasix Urinal Screen is compatible with all urinals
  • The new P-Wave WCBasix Urinal Screen is doubled sided for easy installation

P-Wave WCBasix Urinal Screen | Recommendations

Do check regularly on your urinal screens to make sure that the urinal screen is not blocked by waste. Do replace your urinal screens once every 30 days. Do keep the urinal screens away from children and pets. Store the product away from direct sunlight.

P-Wave WCBasix Urinal Screen